Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Ask and ye shall receive

For those who have been wanting to see, here is a picture of my belly....taken today. I am at 32 weeks now, so we'll see how much bigger it gets over the next 8-ish. In the past month it's grown 7 inches. I. Feel. Huge. My doctor asked how I was feeling on Monday during my appointment. I said, "I'm feeling pretty huge." He said, "Well, that's because you are!" I have a funny doctor.

Aside from getting used to knocking things over with my belly and running into walls I USED to be able to navigate safely, I'm feeling fabulous. I'd be lying, though, if I didn't say I was looking forward to no longer being pregnant. Not the pushing the baby out from between my legs part, but the less huge part. Oh, and actually having the baby here. That, too.

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