Monday, September 26, 2011


Well, world, I'm going vegan.

I watched a movie called "Forks over Knives" and for anyone with Netflix or a way to rent it, I would HIGHLY recommend it. It has changed my life.

I have always believed in the Word of Wisdom but for so long I believed that so long as I was avoiding the no-no's (i.e. coffee, tea, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, etc.) I was living it.  I didn't pay as much attention to the "please do's" like eating fruits and veggies, grains, and meat sparingly.  I didn't realize how much meat and animal-based products I eat on a regular basis, but it's a lot.  Milk, cheese, butter, chicken, eggs, etc. I eat them a lot.  What I didn't know, and this movie taught me, was that I don't need any of those to get the nutrients my body needs.  Broccoli has more protein than beef per calorie.  I had no idea.  I'm pretty pumped that my arteries will be getting a break from all the garbage I usually eat. 

HOWEVER since I love Thanksgiving and Christmas food, I'm happy that I can have about 5% of my diet be from meat-based products.  But for the most part I'm going to be vegan.  I never thought I would, but I feel SO good about it.  Michael is on board and I'm glad Isla will be able to grow up knowing and loving healthy food.  

I'm also pretty excited to see what this does for my chronic pain and depression.  From what I've learned eating this way should help with those things, and maybe I'll finally become a morning person.  GASP! I know, right?  Me loving mornings?  Seems impossible.  

My Mom is the one who recommended I watch this movie, and I'm pumped to see my Dad's heart problems improve as they continue eating this way.  

I'll also post any fabulous recipes I come across in my quest to eat a whole-foods plant based diet.  

Wish me luck!!!!

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