Saturday, June 12, 2010

What a week

Sunday: AHHH!!!! I ran out of my nausea meds.
Monday: Trying all day to get a hold of my doctor so I could get more medicine and a LOT of throwing up. Yuck.
Tuesday: More and more and more throwing up, and more trying withOUT luck to get my doctor to give me more medicine. Boo. Day ended with a trip to the ER to get fluids and medicine. Finally.
Wednesday&Thursday: Catching up on much needed sleep and nutrition for the week. Thank goodness for modern medicine.
Friday: Doctors appointment---found out I lost 9 lbs since my last visit (thank you being sick), heard the heartbeat again (SO cool), and am now on an antibiotic 'cause I have some sort of asymptomatic bacteria thing. Swell! hah.

Thankfully through all of this I had Michael around. He is seriously one of the most patient people alive to have dealt with all my craziness this week without missing a beat. He is the best.

Side-note: I think I have made up my mind about my hair. Now I just need to find a place around here that can do it.

Side-note#2: I am starting to show. I look pregnant. Or maybe it's just in my head.

1 comment:

  1. post a belly pic!!! :) are you guys going to find out what you're having? i can't wait!
