Sunday, April 10, 2011

A veritable "light-bulb" in the night

While Michael falls instantly to sleep, most nights I lie awake in bed for HOURS trying to will myself into unconsciousness. I must say, though, the wee hours of the morning when I'm half-asleep have proven to be great times to think things through. On one such night, not too long ago, I found myself thinking about what I want to be when I "grow up." When I was younger I had three goals: being a wife, mother, and piano teacher. As it turns out I've accomplished all 3 of those already, so I figured I needed some additional goals. I fully acknowledge that being a wife and a mother is a life-long thing, not simply a one-day-only event. That being said, I felt there was something else I should be doing.

During my various stints in college I threw around a LOT of ideas, including (but not limited to): dentistry, psychiatry, music teaching, sociology, home & family living, music, music, and more music. None of those felt right. While on my mission to Arizona I thought I might find some insight in to what I should major in. Nope. I got a husband and a child out of that mission, but no major. So imagine my surprise when at around 1 am on this night mentioned earlier, while lying in bed, I should receive the answer to this question.

I have had a very personal interest in psychology for a number of years and have felt on numerous occasions that people's perception of "therapy" and the type of people who need it, are way off-base. I have also noticed a growing number of young women with pretty much insane views of themselves, what they think beautiful is, etc., etc. SO. I want to major in Public Health Promotion, with a Business Management Minor. With this degree I'm hoping to set up a non-profit (or work within an organization that already exists) to promote mental health awareness among young women. I would love to travel to different schools, working within the health curriculum already established, to teach special classes on mental health. I haven't worked out all the particulars of how to do this and what exactly I want to teach, but yeah. That's the basic idea. I also want to learn self-defense and teach that to young women.

Nighttime is the right time for me to think. And to learn.

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